Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Jewellery an Art from the Islands

In the smaller island nations, when you talk about jewellery that word will automatically conjure images of shells, seeds wooden beads and many other natural products such as ropes, fibres and woven leaves.....(coconut and pandanas)

These materials are collected cleaned and polished, after are strung in variation using different techniques that give a uniquely traditional some areas, certain tribes have thier style that is different to other tribes, this way they can be distinguished as coming from that particular is a mark of beauty and independence, to have the body adorned with traditional jewellery, on the head the neck the arms the navel and the ankles.

this practice has been passed from generation to generation, however with more and more exposure to the international western world, skills are enhanced and techniques increase with a touch of modernization the skills of the older people arts are being modified by the youth and the results are rather STUNNING!

In my next post I will be showcasing some of these so if your interested pls dont hesitate to subscribe or RSS here.

Your comments are most welcome

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