Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Garage and Art Sale!!!

Well Ladies this weekend is a must come and see at the HAMS theatre....the Garage & Art Sale is like no other in Honiara this must come and see for yourselves....and help support the local women of the country to be more creative with intitative and to have ways of income generating for them.........

See You there!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Beauty by Sophia Loren

When we think about beauty we usually dwell on the mechanics - skin cream, lotions, hairdos and how to apply mascara. This is an important approach to beauty because, after all, most of us are always ready to learn some new tricks that will make us more attractive, and these techniques do work. Nonetheless what I propose to do is to give a different approach to beauty, one that will serve women of all ages and of different natural gifts. This approach to beauty begins not with the face or figure but with the mind. If you learn to use your mind as well as you can use a foundation, you will become more truely beautiful.

As teenagers most of us are enthralled with make-up and hair styles. this is a new world to us and a badge of our feminity, and we sspend hours at the mirror experimenting. But as time goes by we limit ourselves to a particular style in clothes and particular shade in lipstick and hairdo.....we became set in our ways.

I suggest that once the fervent explorations of our youth is past, it is time to take on a new look at beauty, for mature beauty is very different from youthful beauty. It demands a different approach.

Where youthful beauty is unconcious, mature beauty is knowing and sophisticated, it admits to effort and is richer and more complex.

Beauty is valuable,there is no doubt about that. We live in a world that prizes beauty and rewards those who are believed to be beautiful. This may be unfair until you come to understand what beauty really is and what part it plays in your life.

Sunday, September 16, 2007


That was supposed to be SUPPORT........geezzz..hhehehehe

Surfing for Money??

Hey Guys, I never thought this was possible until I tried it myself..WOW.....Ladies who came to the wine & cheese with the arts display......thank you so much , your su[[ort was GREAT!!!


Wednesday, September 12, 2007

You are beautiful already, make a statement!

GIRLSSS - put a flower in your hair and wear some beautiful clothes...Its the Island vibes I can feel it....come and grab one and make an individual statement.. of your uniqueness........there is no one like you, you are special, why not make yourself extra special..this month with an earring and necklace to suit your mood................cheers ladies

Dont stare at me I know I'm BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!LOL

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